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The US Show

"The US Show" is a variety talk, arts and entertainment podcast, mainly dedicated to spotlighting Creatives and Business Owners, locally and globally. You never know what can happen or who you will hear from on, "The US Show".
*Also the home to "The Evolution of Marc With a C" Subseries.

If you would like to be a part of the fun, Feel free to send US your Unbelievable Stories, life situations, made up exaggeration and the what not, to 


CALL US and leave US a voicemail or text


Feb 27, 2017

Our Final Episode for February 2017. In this Episode we discuss Pre-Cruise Prep, Marshmallow Salad, Conspiracies, Jeff Howell's Red Dog Pub Opening Party Weekend, Give away all the free plugs and do what we do best...bring you a shit show that's, unbelievably, coming together!!

Musical Artist Feature: Rick Bailey - "Soothe It, Lover"